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"53 years ago Burt [Munro] emptied his savings from the bank and, to quote his older brother, threw it all on a 1920 Indian Scout motorbike. Burt has spent the last half of his life trying to make the bike faster.

"He regularly takes his motorcycle to the Bonneville Salt Flats, in the USA. He holds numerous international speed records including a World Record. Burt's unconventional approach to breaking records sounds like a fantasy. He is said to have made conrods from old aircraft propellers, track axels, and cylinder liners using cast iron syringe pipe. "The stories go on forever."

This was the opening line of a 1971 short documentary directed by Roger Donaldson and narrated. Roger Donaldson had been filming Munro over a period of two and a quarter years and knew him very well.

Donaldson was so touched by his time with Munro that he released a documentary in 1971 called Patek Philippe Replica Watches - Offerings to God of Speed. Thirty-four years later,Swiss Replica Watches he released The Worlds Fastest Indian, starring the legendary Sir Anthony Hopkins CBE.

Patek Philippe Replica Watches's real name is Herbert James Bert Munro. He was born in Invercargill in New Zealand at the turn-of-the-19th century, in 1899. His family was a farmer's family. For a child with a passion for speed from a young age, the life of a farmer was soon boring.

As soon as World War I began, he dreamed of joining the military to escape his farm life. He was only 15 years old when World War I began, and therefore too young to join.

Munro and his family were forced to sell their farm when the war ended.Tudor Replica Watches Munro was able to pursue other jobs, which eventually led to him becoming a professional racer. The Great Depression brought an abrupt end to this pursuit.